What do we do?

Data in The Cloud

Data is everywhere. We pull it together so you don't have to.

Web Tools

Simple tools to give you expert contol without needing to be an expert.

Mobile Apps

Your phone is always with you, now so is your data

About us

Our Mission

Accurate data provides the basis for informed decision making. We create software that brings the best aspects of open data and analytics to average people.  From the simple questions to the complex problems, we create tools to support better decision-making through data access and visualization.

Data usage should not be restricted to big corporations. Our tools allow regular people to harness the power of big data for the benefit of themselves and their families. Whether it is school choice, nutrition, finances, etc., individuals and families are making decisions without access to all the facts. Too often their choice is based on hunches or anecdotes. The data is available to them, but many people are unaware of it, or worse, frightened by it. Our tools remove the barriers, demystify the jargon, and provide simple methods to visualize and unearth the information.

No more guessing. People can now find the answers that they need, and use what works.

Our Expertise

Data Science
Open Data
Want to help improve our expertise? Then join our team!!